Why is PaCO2 normal in shunt vs Dead space usmle
Why is PaCO2 normal in shunt vs Dead space usmle

You might even have a presentation you’d like to share with others. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. is a leading presentation sharing website. ? PaO2.? PA pressures, arrhythmia, HTN.

why is PaCO2 normal in shunt vs Dead space usmle

  • Primary, Venous Thrombo-Embolism, Sleep Apnea,ĪNY chronic lung disease, Eisenmengers Syndrome.
  • Results in increased minute ventilation.
  • Infection, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Increased pleural LDH, Protein, Cholesterol.
  • Decreased Breath Sounds, Dull, Egophony.
  • 4 drugs x 2 months then 2 drugs 2 4 months.
  • Crackles, Bronchial (increased) BSs, Egophony.
  • Women earlier with less smoking exposure.
  • PaO2 does NOT increase with supplemental O2.
  • Oxygen removed from alveolus more quickly than.
  • why is PaCO2 normal in shunt vs Dead space usmle

    Blood, Pus, Water, Atelectasis, Anatomic Shunt.PFT's are most compatible with (A) Asbestosis Smoking history has these PFTs FVC 62 FEV1 (A) Obesity (B) Emphysema (C) AmyotrophicĪ 55 year old shipyard worker with a 45 pack year NOT embryology, nose, sinuses, repair, defenseĪ 46 year old male has PFTs with TLC 72 FRCĭiseases would best explain these lung volumes.

    Why is PaCO2 normal in shunt vs Dead space usmle